英日字典: throw_out
The throw_out has 5 Senses.
- throw out, expel, kick out
- 押っぽり出す, 押っ抛り出す, ほうりだす, 抛り出す, 放りだす, 放り出す, 追放, 放逐, 押放り出す, 押っ放り出す, 抛りだす, ほっぽりだす, 追い出す, 追ん出す
- force to leave or move out; "He was expelled from his native country"
- 退去させられる、またはいなくなる
- cast away, throw out, fling, toss away, discard, throw away, put away, cast aside, toss out, dispose, toss, cast out, chuck out
- 一擲, 投げすてる, 打っ棄る, 打っちゃる, 投棄, ほっぽる, 取捨てる, ほかす, 取り捨てる, 投げ棄てる, うっちゃらかす, ほうりだす, 抛り出す, 打っ遣る, 放下, 取りすてる, 投打つ, 捨てる, 投げ打つ, うっちゃる, 擲つ, かなぐり棄てる, 抛りだす, 投捨てる, 放す, 棄てる, 投棄てる, 投げ捨てる, 除く, かなぐり捨てる, とり捨てる, 抛つ, 打ち捨てる
- throw or cast away; "Put away your worries"
- 投げ捨てる
- throw out, expel, kick out, boot out, drum out, oust
- 叩出す, 押っぽり出す, 押っ抛り出す, ほうりだす, たたき出す, 抛り出す, 放りだす, 放り出す, 追放, 放逐, 押放り出す, 押っ放り出す, 追い払う, ほっぽりだす, 追い出す, 追ん出す, 叩き出す
- remove from a position or office; "The chairman was ousted after he misappropriated funds"
- 地位または任務から解任する
- throw out, advance
- bring forward for consideration or acceptance; "advance an argument"
- 結果または受理のために進歩する
- throw out, dismiss
- cease to consider; put out of judicial consideration; "This case is dismissed!"
- 考慮するのをやめる
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